
Declutter closet organize clothes

The Uncluttered Life, Inc. is proud to provide examples of work that has transformed cluttered and disorganized areas into fully functioning, organized spaces. Whether we organize an entire home, or just a closet or kitchen, we have the same objective in mind each time: to create a visually appealing space that functions well for our clients and brings peace and harmony into their lives. Our photos are not exhaustive of our work but are shown to demonstrate that organization does not need to be perfect, rather it needs to be livable.

We find that each space in a home suggests how it wants to function. Like Michelangelo, we believe inside each cluttered, chaotic space, is a solution waiting to be revealed. What needs to be discovered is the best solution for storage and organization. Michelangelo understood this concept about marble. We understand this concept about space.

Michelangelo said, “Every block of stone has a statue inside it, and it is the task of the sculptor to discover it.” We, at The Uncluttered Life, feel the same way about the home. Every space has a way it wants to be organized and flow, and it is our job to discover that. It is our job to make the most out of each space we declutter and bring balance and harmony into a client’s life. While we would never dare compare ourselves to the genius of Michelangelo, we do believe that we are masters at organization and creating a visually appealing room. We help restore energy that may be stolen from a space by an overabundance of items, reduce visual clutter, and create peace and harmony.

Decluttered paper organizing system

There are multiple ways to declutter a home. Some clients prefer the KonMari Method® and love the way their closets look after we fold. Others prefer to discuss organization in terms of flow of energy, like in Karen Kingston’s book, Clear Your Clutter with Feng Shui. We like to use a combination of both, allowing for energy to flow through a space as Kingston suggests, while creating a visually attractive and decluttered area like Marie Kondo. It is our belief that the two function well together. Too many things in an area make it difficult to organize, and for that reason, we believe in letting go of excess. Holding onto the baggage of the past or futurizing about “what ifs” in the future can hold back the decluttering process. Being comfortable letting go, and then making the most of available space brings happiness. This is home organization function at its best.

Please feel free to look through our gallery of photos from some of our work. From home offices to children’s toys, to master bedroom closets, we can find a place for everything and put everything in its place. Our pantry storage will make you feel like you want to cook again and make family time more enjoyable. Our closet solutions will help you feel good about the clothing that you have and less compelled to buy because you don’t know what you own. Our paper organization will help you become more in charge of your life and spend less time looking for things you’re missing. Ultimately, our goal is to help you organize and declutter your home in a way that works best for you. It’s not about living a perfectly organized life; it’s about organizing your space to meet life’s needs and freeing up time to do things that are truly meaningful to you.